Chatham Branch - Harwich to Chatham
Fairhaven Branch - Tremont to Fairhaven
Hyannis Branch - Yarmouth to Hyannis
Middleboro' to Provincetown - Middleboro to Provincetown
Woods Holl Branch - Buzzards Bay to Woods Holl
Acushnet Branch -
Attleboro' Branch - Attleboro to Whittenton Junction
Boston and Newport via Taunton - Boston to Newport
Braintree and Kingston via South Duxbury - Braintree to Kingston
Bridgewater Branch - Whitman to Bridgewater
Brockton Branch - Elmwood to Satucket
Easton Branch - Matfield to Easton
Fall River Branch - Fall River to New Bedford
Granite Branch - Atlantic to Braintree
Hanover Branch - North Abington to Hanover
Mansfield and New Bedford - Mansfield to New Bedford
Middleboro' and Taunton Branch - Middleboro' & Taunton Junction to Middleboro'
Milton Branch - Neponset to Mattapan
Nantasket Beach Branch - Old Colony House to Pemberton
Shawmut Branch - Harrison Square to Shawmut Junction
South Braintree and Plymouth - South Braintree to Plymouth
South Braintree and Somerset Junction via Brockton - South Braintree to Somerset Junction
Stoughton Branch - Stoughton Central to Stoughton Branch Junction
Fitchburg and Mansfield - Fitchburg to Mansfield
Fitchburg and Worcester Branch - Pratt's Junction to Sterling Junction
Framingham and Lowell Branch - Framingham to Lowell
Framingham Prison Branch -
Lancaster Mills Branch - Clinton to Lancaster Mills
Marlboro' Branch - Marlboro to Marlboro Junction
Boston and Providence - Boston to Providence
Dedham Branch - Readville to Dedham
India Point Branch - East Junction to India Point
North Attleboro' Branch - North Attleboro' to Attleboro'
Providence and Bristol - Providence to Bristol
Stoughton Branch - Canton Junction to Stoughton Central
Warren and Bowenville Junction - Warren to Fall River
West Roxbury Branch - Forest Hills to Dedham