Photographic Print: Quebec Junction, New Hampshire, Item 9305005132
Brochure: Presenting Our New Babies, Twelve Sets of Twins, Item 9404000002
Public Timetable: Boston & Maine and Maine Central Railroads (1899), Item 9411000003
Public Timetable: St. John and Boston (1905), Item 9411000005
Employee Timetable: Maine Central Railroad - Time Table No. 2, Item 9412000190
Employee Timetable: Maine Central Railroad, Portland Division - Time Table No. 49, Item 9412000200
Employee Timetable: Maine Central Railroad, Eastern Division - Time Table No. 53, Item 9412000210
Employee Timetable: Maine Central Railroad, Portland Division - Time Table No. 58, Item 9412000220
Employee Timetable: Maine Central Railroad - Time Table No. 16, Item 9412000240
Employee Timetable: Maine Central Railroad - Time Table No. 55, Item 9412000290
Employee Timetable: Maine Central Railroad - Time Table No. 58, Item 9412000300
Employee Timetable: Maine Central Railroad Company and Portland Terminal Company - Time Table No. 1, Item 9412000310
Employee Timetable: Maine Central Railroad Company and Portland Terminal Company - Time Table No. 14, Item 9412000320
Employee Timetable: Maine Central Railroad Company and Portland Terminal Company - Time Table No. 19, Item 9412000330
Employee Timetable: Maine Central Railroad Company and Portland Terminal Company - Time Table No. 20, Item 9412000340
Employee Timetable: Maine Central Railroad - Time Table No. 50, Item 9412000350