Divided Back: Maine Central Railroad Freight Yard, Brunswick, Maine, Item 9304000074
Divided Back: Steamer Ransom B. Fuller leaving Gardiner, Maine, Item 9304000075
Divided Back: Bangor, Maine. Union Station., Item 9304000076
Divided Back: Maine Central depot, Brownfield, Maine, Item 9304000077
Eastern Illustrating & Publishing Co. (1914): Shore Front, Belfast, Maine, Item 9304000078
Divided Back: Maine Central Railroad Station, Brownfield, Maine, Item 9304000084
Real Photo: Lincoln, Maine, Item 9304000102
Undivided Back: Union Station and Dining Room, Portland, Maine, Item 9304000104
Linen: Union Station, Portland, Maine, Item 9304000105
Divided Back: Maine Central Railroad Station, Madison, Maine, Item 9304000109
Eastern Illustrating & Publishing Co. (1917-1934): Bridge over Kennebec River, Solon, Maine, Item 9304000118
AZO (1924-1949): Maine Central Railroad #468 at Rigby - Portland, Maine, Item 9304000119
Real Photo: Railroad Station, Bingham Heights, Maine, Item 9304000129
Kodak (1950-Present): Dresden, Maine Station - Richmond, Maine, Item 9304000132
Kodak (1950-Present): Railroad Station, Pejepscot Mills, Maine, Item 9304000133
Real Photo: Waterville, Maine, Item 9304000134
CYKO (1904-1920s): Maine Central Railroad roundhouse and shops, Waterville, Maine, Item 9304000135
Real Photo: Maine Central Railroad Shops and Yards, Waterville, Maine, Item 9304000136
Real Photo: Woodfords Station, Maine, Item 9304000137
Real Photo: Maine Central Railroad at Belgrade, Maine, Item 9304000139
Kodak (1950-Present): Belfast & Moosehead Lake Railroad, Burnham Junction, Maine, Item 9304000144
Kodak (1950-Present): Walnut Hill Station, Yarmouth, Maine, Item 9304000146
Kodak (1950-Present): Former Maine Central Railroad station, Deadwater, Maine, Item 9304000147
Kodak (1950-Present): Deadwater station looking south, Item 9304000148