1928 to 1968
Click on the icon for source information.
Ausable Branch - South Junction to Ausable Forks
Chateaugay Branch - Salmon River Junction to Lyon Mountain
Ticonderoga Branch - Fort Ticonderoga to Ticonderoga
Whitehall and Rouses Point - Whitehall to Rouses Point
Wilkes-Barre and SW Cabin - Willkes-Barre to SW Cabin
Adirondack Branch - Saratoga Springs to North Creek
GV Cabin and JS Cabin - GV Cabin to JS Cabin
KN Tower and Whitehall - KN Tower to Whitehall
Rutland Branch - Whitehall to Rutland
Warrensburg Branch - Warrensburg Junction to Warrensburg
Washington Branch - Castleton to Eagle Bridge
Binghamton and KN Tower - Binghamton to KN Tower
Cooperstown Branch - Cooperstown Junction to Cooperstown
DJ Cabin and WY Cabin - DJ Cabin to WY Cabin
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