The Crawford Notch, Crawford House in the Distance, White Mountains of New Hampshire. The upper gateway to the Crawford Notch narrowly permits the passage of the Maine Central Railroad and he carriage road from the stupendous mountain canon to the idyllic little plateau which holts the Crawford House, one of the oldest and best of the White Mountain Hotels. Amid the rock debris blown out of the Great Cut to allow the passage of the railroad, trickles a tiny mountain stream, born in the lake which fronts the hotel, which becomes the noble Saco River as it receives the waters of other mountain cascades and streams in its progress through the Notch.
Collection of Matthew D. Cosgro
Image > Postcard
Object ID 9304009660, Recorded 2015-12-24
Date, Image Taken: Unknown Date
Location, depicts: Hart's Location, New Hampshire
Subject, Railroad: Maine Central Railroad Company