No. 2 "Brattleboro," a narrow-gauge wood burner, was in use on the West River Railroad from the opening of the road in 1879 until the change to broad-gauge track in 1905. An illustration from "36 Miles of Trouble" by Victor Morse from the Shortline Railroad Series published by The Stephen Greene Press.
Collection of Matthew D. Cosgro
Image > Postcard > Printed > Chrome
Object ID 9304008766, Recorded 2024-10-20
Photo credit: Lewis R. Brown, Inc.
Publisher: The Stephen Greene Press
Photographer: Unknown. Photographer not identified/noted on item.
Date, Copyright: 1968
Date, Image Taken: Unknown Date
Postmark: Not postally used.
Location, was published at: Brattleboro, Vermont
Location, depicts: Unknown Location, Vermont
Subject, Railroad: West River Railroad Company