This bridge, spanning the Lamoille River on the St. Johnsbury and Lamoille County Railroad, is the last railroad covered bridge still in regular use in Vermont and one of a very few left in the United States. Built in 1908, it is the only one remaining with full length cupola, which provided a smoke escape. In 1968, the birdge was scheduled for destruction to make way for a new steel span. It was saved by placing heavy steel beams underneath. This preservation was achieved with state funds and with generous private donations raised by the Lamoille County Development Council.
Collection of Matthew D. Cosgro
Image > Postcard > Printed > Chrome
Object ID 9304008699, Recorded 2024-10-20
Publisher: Forward's Color Productions, Inc.
Printer: Koppel Color Cards
Photographer: Howard Rutkowski
Forward's Color Productions Number: VT53
Forward's Color Productions Number: 112888
Date, Image Taken: Unknown Date
Postmark: Not postally used.
Location, was published at: Manchester, Vermont
Location, depicts: Wolcott, Vermont
Subject, Railroad: St. Johnsbury and Lamoille County Railroad, Inc.